RE: L1 helping L2

From: Huong Le (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 02:02:55 PST

I also collected data that show L1 helped the learners in the process
of learning L2. I look forward to further correspondence regarding
this issue. In my research, the students switched to mother tongue
when they had to figure out what they had to do to discuss a topic or
when they were engaged in task planning and procedures. When the
students met new words in L2, they started to use L1 to ask other
group members for help or use L1 to explain meanings of L2 new words.
This suggests that it is more comfortable for the students to use L1
in the learning process that required cognitive processing (planning
and figuring things out) or in the events when they did not have
enough L2 vocabulary.
Your questions:
1. In the process of trying to understand how the language
works she uses the mother tongue as a reflection tool. But why?

I guess the cognitive processes required in learning a new language
are borrowed from L1.

2.Or... could it be that when we focus our attention on something,
especially if it is difficult to grasp, we resort to the mother
tongue because it is less stressful for us, or less demanding

I think you’re right here. Though there hasn’t been much research to
prove it. Interviews with the learners will help.

3.private speech is most likely to be in the mother tongue?
From my case of learning a foreign language, I have more private
speech in L2 than in L1 when learning L2 or doing L2 tasks.


---- Original Message ----
Subject: RE: L1 helping L2
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 17:29:29 -0300

>Dear more knowleageable peers,
>I was just taking a "last" look at my master's dissertation and
>there was something else I could still include but which I cannot
>seem to be
>able to explain. It's related to the use of first language as a
>tool in second language learning.
>I have explored several aspects, but one of them just became salient
>It seems that when my student is engaged in trying to understand how
>language works or something related to an activity, even though she
>say some of the things in English (her FL) she uses her mother tongue
>My guess is that in the process of trying to understand how the
>works she uses the mother tongue as a reflection tool. But why?
>Could it be that in the initial 'stages' of language learning this
>process has to be carried out in the mother tongue??
>Or could it be that while analysing how something in the FL works
>using the
>own FL would be a double process of abstraction not possible for that
>student at that moment?
>Or... could it be that when we focus our attention on something,
>if it is difficult to grasp, we resort to the mother tongue because
>it is
>less stressful for us, or less demanding cognitively?
>Or could it be that in seeking for assistance we resort to the mother
>"as a means of obtaing needed mediation", as Lantolf (2000) suggests,
>referring to artifacts?
> or because private speech is most likely to be in the mother
>These will seem quite silly questions in a few days (probably) after
>I give
>it a little more thought but at the moment... Anyway, I'm running out
>time and I'm afraid I won't be able to figure that out by myself.
>Or would it suffice to say that the L1 is being used as a tool for
>Swain (2000) has cited Brooks and Donato (1994); Brooks, Donato and
>(1997); Anton and DiCamilla (1998); Swain and Lapkin (1998) in
>relation to
>L1 as a mediational tool in L2 learning, but unfortunately I have no
>to the material.
>Could any of you help me with your insights?
>Thank you very much,

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