Dear friends,
I can also offer the use of WebBoard for the forum/seminar/course if
that would be helpful.
WebBoard supports online web-based threaded discussion, but also permits
people to receive ("check off") that they'd like to receive messages via
e-mail (and replies can be made via e-mail as well). Normally folks need
to go through the web interface at least to "check off" that they want
e-mail, but I could manage it with staff in our Center so that if
someone only has e-mail they can request that we go in, on their behalf,
and check off e-mail for them (hopefully they'll make this easier for
people to self-manage without the web interface in some future
WebBoard also allows for synchronous chat and, I believe, Instant
Messaging if people happen to be online at the same time.
Different "strands" could actually be different "conferences" within a
CHAT Board, each with its own topics and messages, but visible to
everyone (and each conference can be received as e-mail as well).
Let me know if this is of interest. I can immediately set this up. We
also use Lyris listserv software and so there are creative ways to make
use of both listserv and WebBoard to accomodate different people's
circumstances (e.g., subscribe a listserv address as a participant in a
WebBoard conference and make it easy for people to subscribe to the
listserv, etc.).
Anyway, I have full control over the resources I'm suggesting and could
easily make those arrangements and give specified other organizers
administrative capabilities as well. Let me know.
In Peace,
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