SRCD choices

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 14:00:58 PDT

Dear Colleagues,

I have contacted Roger Bakeman, leader of the theory and methods section
of SRCD. It appears that we have several choices-- a double length seminar
is not among them.

1. We could have two groups propose two seminars on the same topic and
number them Symp1 and Symp2. Both, one, or none could be accepted.

2. We could propose a symposium and a discussion hour on the same topic.

Right now I have the abstracts and could put together symp 1 with glick,
goncu, baumer, wells with me as organizer/discussant. There are at least
three people, nicolopolou, sawyer, John-Steiner ready to go with a symp2
and it shouldn't be hard to find a good fourth and discussant. But, half
a loaf seems pretty dreary under the circumstances.

I am willing to withdraw in favor of anyone who would like to replace me
and send them all the abstracts. I am also willing to put together a
discussion proposal for any subset of people who would agree to do participate
in that forum, with or without my name on it (with the understanding that
all symposium people would come to the discussion and all key discussion
people could start of the discussion stating the ideas they would have
expounded on in symposium.

And, we can always submit totally separate papers for the theory and methods
poster session and whatever "n" of us get accepted could post all their
posters in a row and have a grand old discussion there.

Vera, the topic was yours to start with. Any wisdom about how to proceed
with your great idea?

I asssume we will all be discussing these ideas in the fall, irregardless
and respective, as they say.

But we need a pretty quick decision on how to proceed.

So, speak up, those of you with an interest in the topic!

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