Is there a reference in the Seve book to the original Luria piece,
since we are into multiple linguistic translations here with all the
problems that entails. In short, what is the Russian original?
Note, the very use of the term, "soul" in one place and"mind" in
another is the subject of much work by Anna Wierzbica and the source of
continual misunderstandings when Russian is translated into English.
When sifted through French, the issues shift again.
On the face of it, this appears to be one of many places in both
Vygotsky and Luria where the idea of having to step outside the mind/brain/
soul is essential to understanding how the mind/brain/soul works. Citations
of this can be found in Luria's *Making of Mind*, Jim Wertsch's work, etc.
The linkage of this to marx seems a fruitful path to follow.
PS-- Today in the NY times there is a report of two, independent, studies,
linking schizophrenia to a particular gene, just to throw in a cross current.
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