Re: Study: Most school shootings preventable

From: Phil Graham (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 07:21:48 PDT

A friend of mine said he got a convicted murderer to talk at a rotary
meeting shortly after being released from a long jail term. He was
eloquent, well-dressed, and spoke at length about his horrendous childhood,
about his school years.

He left them with the chilling line: "Hurt people hurt people".

At 08:58 AM 17/05/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Secret Service outlines methods to head off violence
>May 16, 2002 Posted: 11:26 AM EDT (1526 GMT)
>WASHINGTON (AP) -- Most school shooters felt bullied or threatened by someone
>else just before they went on a rampage, a study by the Secret Service finds,
>with virtually all shooters having difficulties coping with a relationship or
>a falling out among peers

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Phil Graham, Senior Lecturer, UQ Business School
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