Oak Grove Elementary School Reaserch Team

From: Monica Heifner (mona@ameritech.net)
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 20:16:53 PDT

Dear Mr. Mike Cole,
    I am very interested in learning more about Vygotsky's "Zone of
Proximal Development" and how a heighten awareness of this idea can
assist elementary teachers. My team was designed to answer this
question: "What can teachers do to provide individual challenges to
children which will be enough to make learning a struggle, but not an
enormous obstacle?" If you can assist me with this assignment in any
way, I would love to read your comments. We are faced with the problem
that many of our students are quite intelligent and lack innate
motivation to personally quest to advanced intellectual levels.
    My school is located in an upper socioeconomic subdivision of the
northwestern region of Chicago, Illinois. We are of a mostly white
Caucasian ethnic background. We do have many Asians as well. I can
provide you with a more detailed description of my school if you would
find this information necessary to help in my search.

Monica L. Heifner
127 W. Maple Avenue
Wauconda, Illinois 60084

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