Re: enculturation/instruction

From: Margaret A. Gallego (
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 08:20:44 PST

Thanks Gary --

I'll look it up...


> >Mike Cole asked:
>>"David-- In your reply to Tina, I was wondering what the enculturation/
>>deliberate instruction contrast has in common, or not, with the Vygotskian
>>notion of everyday and scientific concepts. My colleague, Margie Gallego,
>>has been wondering in what ways everyday concepts might promote
>>in scientific concepts -- her interpretation being that Vygotsky treats
>>scientific concepts as transformers of everyday, but perhaps not the other
>>way around."
>i think margie's question is similar to the one that has driven all my
>efforts as a researcher -- why does the world make so much sense to so many
>people so much of the time, when by all rights it shouldnt? vygotsky was
>not alone, by any stretch of the imagination, in thinking that science
>could inform everyday life more than vice versa, but isnt it all built on
>everyday life, in the final analysis?
>all these thoughts have been swirling around in my mind, as i work on a
>book chapter dealing with notions of praxis logic, drawn from abduction
>which is itself the logical grounding of everyday thought, or at least i
>suspect that this is the case :-)
>margie might be interested in my paper on logic and practice at
> in volume 2, #1

Dr. Margaret A. Gallego
Associate Professor
School of Teacher Education
College of Education
San Diego State University

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