Contradiction as used by Yrjo is not the same thing as conflict. I
understand the use of 'contradiction here as meaning the presence of a needs
state. In Tina's example the teacher may create a needs state by awakening
in the student a recognition that they may come to better understand their
world if they 'think like a historian'. In such a case the contradiction
becomes the gap between the students' culturally and historically
instantiated current ways of understanding the world, and the new
possibility introduced to them by their teacher. If they thereby become
motivated to develop an historical perspective on their world, then they may
enter into a period of legitimate peripheral participation alongside their
teacher, and the constructivist teacher will be mindful of the ways in which
she can assist in their enterprise by creating a zone of proximal
development in the class.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Barowy []
Sent: Thursday, 21 February 2002 5:14 p.m.
Subject: Re: expansive cycle
I think Tina's got a darn good question there. Does it really take feeling
contradiction to change things?
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