old foggies

From: Mike Cole (mcole@weber.ucsd.edu)
Date: Sun Feb 10 2002 - 17:23:39 PST

Dr. glick!

As I was writing on this topic earlier, I was wondering who the constructivist
researchers are who have seriously theorized what a Piagetian constructivism
has to say about education, NOW or in the RECENT PAST (as opposed to the
old dead guys).

This is not unrelated to the "American problem" from Mary earlier this week.

>From what I could tell, David was referring to work in which there was
a lot of attention to the ACTIVE SOCIAL WORLD in arranging for "to understand
is to invent." Whose work? Duckworth? Cobb?

So, say more. To what contemporary work do we turn to insight in how
best to interpret the example I posted?


PS-- Note:I am continuing to remember to finish messages by asking genuine,
non-known answer questions! :-)

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