I've just read the Jacques Carpay article in the latest MCA on the
conference that never took place. Apparently a Vygotsky conference was
being organized in Moscow in the 80s or 90s (my copy of the issue is at
campus so I forget the details) but the bureaucrats shut it down because
Vygotsky's work was not sufficiently aligned with party dogma. The papers
that were to be delivered were funneled to Mike Cole and Jim Wertsch
through Norris Minnick, then studying with Zinchenko. But the article
doesn't say what became of the manuscript. I wrote Mike asking if these
papers were translated and published in English, but he can't remember what
became of them. So my question to xmca-ers is, does anyone know the
whereabouts of these ghost-conference proceedings? thanks,Peter
Peter Smagorinsky
co-editor, Research in the Teaching of English http://www.ncte.org/rte/
University of Georgia, 125 Aderhold Hall, Athens, GA
30602-7123/psmagorinsky@charter.net or
The Teaching As Principled Practice Project (TAPPP) Home Page:
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