RE: What to do? Antilogic

From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 07:17:05 PST

Thanks Elizabeth -- i understand dialectical reasoning as not necessarily
antagonist but, i think how vygotsky and others used it, a way of juxtaposing
elements (say categories of a theory, or even theories) to draw out and develop
understanding. And I do agree, whole heartedly, that antagonistic,
adversarial, reactive, schismogenetic etc. approaches have serious limitations.

I'm interested in your response to Don's question -- wanting to learn more.

And then i seriously must limit my participation to lurking for a while. It's
not a systemic solution to the contradictions of participation Eva points out,
and even won't change the heavily skewed distribution of people posting, as she
also point out. It'll just change things at my interface.

Bill Barowy

"Everything is a becoming, without beginning or end"

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