Straights, Queers, Destabilization, & Bowling balls. Oh yeah, Wenger too.

From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Sat Jan 26 2002 - 14:35:54 PST

Well, I won't be silenced because I'm a straight white male -- and i hope that
Mary won't either because she is not. Rather, it is the presence of people
like Mary that helps to make xmca a place which is not straight white male
dominated, and their non-participation can only enforce old ways.

(Personally, I feel right at home with a dysfunctional mailing list.)

Anyway, I think our immediate tension is highly relevant to Wenger's book. He
completely plays down dysfunctionality in CoPs. There is lip service, period.
See p98 - destabilizing events -- basically wenger seems to take the tact that
shit happens and that CoPs get over it. Compare this to Yrjö's work, which
takes these destabilizations as an integral part of systemic change.

And I'd love to hear the rest of your joke Phillip, but in today's world it
would not be PC for me to repeat it. But maybe i could translate it into a
joke about Pollocks and bowling balls...

Bill Barowy

"Everything is a becoming, without beginning or end"

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