digital divide forum

From: Bill Barowy (
Date: Tue Nov 06 2001 - 17:11:07 PST

 The Chronicle of Higher Education is sponsoring an
 online discussion on the work of a growing number of
 scholars who believe that the focus on the "digital
 divide" may be doing more harm than good. These
 scholars, who do not dispute the inequities that result
 in some segments of American society having limited
 access to technology, say that the focus on "digital
 divide" may be creating an image of minority groups
 as technophobic charity cases and that this focus may
 discourage businesses and educators from developing
 Web content that could appeal to minority communities.

 One of the scholars who is studying the impact of the "digital
 divide" debate -- Tara McPherson of the University of Southern
 California -- will respond to comments and questions about
 these issues in the live, online discussion, on Wednesday,
 November 7, at 2 p.m. U.S. Eastern time. Ms. McPherson recently
 helped organize an academic conference on "Race in Digital
 Space" and studies issues of race, gender, and ethnicity in
 new media.

 The Chronicle invites members of this list to read an article
 about this new development in the "digital divide" debate,
 to join the discussion with Ms. McPherson, and to pose
 comments or questions for her (advance questions are
 encouraged and may be posted now) at:

 A transcript of the discussion will be posted at that URL after
 the chat is over.

 Scott Jaschik
 The Chronicle of Higher Education

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