In our training to administer such tests, there is an advanced practice of
testing the limits where the psychologist may provide "forbidden" or
inappropriates cues in the sense that these are not allowed for the actual
test (that is retrospective rather than prospective and aims to tap the
ability or g factor.
This is called "testing the limits". In this way, the hunch by the
administrator that the tested has/knows the answer may be confirmed or not
and this is useful for the report.
However, it is not ZPD exactly in that this is not a teaching experiment or
a processes where scaffolding is used, rather more like a different way or
wording to probe what the learner knows already....
Otherwise, not sure what there is out there in the lit but generally WAIS
related work indexes many who bought into the psychometric approach and see
int. as in the "head"...pedro
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carmen" <>
To: "Xmca who-is-at Weber. Ucsd. Edu" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 8:12 PM
Subject: ZDP
> Hello, all.
> I would like to know where can I find references about applications of
> vygotskyan's ideas of ZDP in intelligence evaluation with Weschler III if
> that exists, and if somebody has experimented with that test and this kind
> of application.
> Thank you
> A los colegas de habla española: me gustaría saber si tienen experiencia
> la aplicación del Weschler III sobre evaluación de la inteligencia con
> adaptación a las ideas vigotskyanas sobre ZDP y si pueden facilitarme
> referencia y comentarios sobre el asunto.
> Muchas gracias
> Carmen Torres
> Facultad de Psicología
> Montevideo
> Uruguay
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