Re: open systems

From: Katherine Goff (
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 08:09:23 PDT

Mike writes:
>The same principle seems to be at work in the growth (or none continued
>of the afterschool activities we design and implement. Thanks for linking
>the resistence discussion to the issue of sustainability for me!

to push it further,
the energy people bring into the system labeled sometimes as resistence
is taken up and used to systain the system. the system mobilizes in
response to the resistance. to deal with the unwanted change the system
might reorganize or change in some way to bring everyone back around to
the stabilization of the system.
sometimes the collatoral energy people bring to a system is accepted as
supporting the goals of the system and encouraging its stability. or its
growth (which is a kind of change)

systems without any change or movement or diversity or learning---die(also
a kind of change).
systems function to survive, and mostly they do by making changes in their
parts and methods of communication and organization,
how do we know when to say that the system itself has changed?
only afterward? depends on who you ask? why do you want to know? so what?
all of the above?


Words are the thunders of the mind.
Words are the refinement of the flesh.
Words are the responses to the thousand curvaceous moments---
     we just manage it---
     sweet and electric, words flow from the brain
     and out the gate of the mouth.

We make books of them, out of hesitations and grammar.
We are slow, and choosy.
This is the world.
                                            Mary Oliver - The Leaf and the

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