Well, having been spyphological yesterday I responded to xmca instead of the
sender today. Apologies.
Peter asked who my note saying I would be in "the city" was to. To Joe
Glick. Having bothered you with lack of substance, let me remark, perhaps
usefully on Joe's note and indicate why it would be interesting to know
the state of his thinking/experience circa 1987 would be.
Note that Joe remarked on a fetishism of qualitative methods in the home
of Sylvia Scribner, Katherine Nelson and others who represent an early
geration of US researchers influenced by Vygotsky. Niether of those people
made a fetish of qualitative research. Both used/use a mixture of methods
in a manner we might call a methodology to link theory and data. Sylvia's
work may have been more closely linked with practice and it would be
interesting to explore that difference in their work. And, they add to the
growing list of people who have been influential to current xmca members
which my 1987 question initated.
Peter, what about your thinking/doing circa 1987 and your view on whether
theory/practice methodologies are now a broadly accepted norm?
I have been wondering the extent to which one's experience/views of this
matter depend on the institutional framework from which one works. Education
and psychology, for example, may well differ in this regard.
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