Fwd: Lecturer in Ed & Sociocultural Psychology

From: Peter Smagorinsky (psmagorinsky@home.com)
Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 18:19:18 PDT

> The School of Education is seeking a dynamic and energetic scholar to
> engage in research and teaching, research supervision and program
> development in sociocultural psychology and education. As Lecturer in
> Education and Sociocultural Psychology, you will be expected to teach
> undergraduate and postgraduate courses and postgraduate research
> supervision, with a brief to build research and postgraduate culture
> around your intellectual and scholarly project. You should possess a PhD
> in education or a relevant social science and humanities discipline,
> together with university teaching experience at undergraduate and
> postgraduate levels. You will have an established research and
> publication record or a promising early career researcher profile. It is
> expected that you will possess theoretical and methodological expertise
> in sociocultural psychology, specifically a substantive engagement with
> the work of Vygotsky and colleagues (eg. Luria, Leontev) and/or with more
> recent Neo Vygotskian work (eg. Cole, Wertsch, Rogoff, Lave). Application
> of these theoretical positions to a cognate area, issue or curricular
> field in educational studies is essential. Expertise in multiculturalism
> and education of ethnic minorities, English as a second language,
> intercultural communication, and/or indigenous education would be an
> advantage, but applicants should not be restricted to these areas. This
> is a continuing, full-time appointment at Academic Level B. The
> remuneration package will be in the range of $60,890 - $72,307 per annum,
> which includes a base salary of $52,043 - $61,801 per annum (rates
> effective 1 July 2001) plus 17% employer superannuation contributions.
> Obtain the position description and selection criteria online or contact
> Ms Christine Ballantyne on (07) 3365 6227 or email
> c.ballantyne who-is-at mailbox.uq.edu.au. Send applications to the Personnel
> Officer, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the address below,
> or email s.pitman@mailbox.uq.edu.au Closing date for applications: 4 July 2001
>the job advertisement, application and details can be found at:

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