Re: community vs. activity system

From: Judith Diamondstone (
Date: Sat May 12 2001 - 11:26:55 PDT

I've thought of "community" in AT as "community of reference" -- i.e., the
backdrop against which 'relevance' emerges.

The answer to Don's q:

My confusion of community with the activity system is perhaps
understandable since in this example (and in others, I imagine) XMCAites are
a part of the community of those inspired by CHAT. The subject could, in
another analysis, be what is here represented as the community. What would
BE the community in that analysis, I wonder?

would of course depend on Don's project more generally ('it depends') but
could for instance be social theorists around the world.

'community of reference' indexes for me the semiotic nature of processes of
consumption -- the colletctive subject of xmca participants orient to one
another as well as to a wider community/ies, whereas in 'production,'
semiosis is instrumental: the subject orients to the obj.


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