Re(2): God tricks and the 1universal truth

From: Diane Hodges (
Date: Sat May 12 2001 - 07:08:31 PDT writes:
>> Is it wrong to think time as an eternal lack of time?
>As I mentioned, you can PERCEIVE time any way you'd like. It doesn't
> The ultimate quantifier is that time goes by.

okay,exhale slowly. :)

the only universal that i can admit to, and this is my personal
limitation, no doubt,
but it is the capacity of any human person to hear their own heart-beat -
i.e., the heart and the inner-ear are universal phenomena - as a
perception, this accounts for the deaf, blind, and other differently-abled
persons, and is a capacity that actually can exist independent of culture,
society, history, and so on - the significance of this shifts, absolutely,
but it is - seems to me - independent of relative categories of time, or
other socio-perceptual constructs...
the possibility that "time goes by" is something i wonder about it - does
time move, or do people move? does time go by, or do people quantify their
own existences in a way to produce a sense of "time?" there is a "now"
that exists universally, as you noted, but it's immeasurable, of course,
ceaselessly fleeting and all.


"If you'll excuse me now, I'd like to be alone with my sandwich."

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