Re: agency and subject

From: Diane Hodges (
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 08:02:13 PDT writes:
>One can question from a deep historical fashion our tendency to
>associate INDIVIDUAL and AGENCY as a consequence of the fundamental
>transformation to the basic activity systems and the way in which the
>was given as part of the fundamental productive activities (the
>transformation of the Paleolithic Mind, the Great Hunt and totemism to the
>agricultural mind and implicit subject/object dichotomy--i.e., the object
>the product of labor and not something provide by an all abiding living
>world that provides all without any direct human intervention in the
>productive process.

i almost get the gist of this - but could you say more?

"The world is too much with us,
late and soon..."
diane celia hodges

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