RE: history-text relations

From: Eugene Matusov (ematusov@UDel.Edu)
Date: Sun Apr 01 2001 - 14:11:25 PDT

Hi everybody--

> From: Kevin Rocap
> Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 2:31 PM
> And my sense is that Paul is evoking the primal experiences of being
> shot or bombed or colonised, the "what happens to us" or to others when
> we are not talking or writing about it, which perhaps you (Diane and
> Martin) are right is not-history.

Nicely put, Kevin! I would change "when we or others are not making sense of
the occurring/occurred events in a shared space about it" to avoid verbal-
or writing-centrisms (i.e., people can dance, sing, draw, build monuments,
make rituals, or cry history without using words describing/making it). This
is my $.05 contribution :-)

What do you think? I wonder what Diane, Paul, and others think about Kevin's
statement about history.


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