sl0w sloW SLOW!

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Mon Nov 06 2000 - 19:57:24 PST

Carl and Dot and Anna et al.

Please, lets go very slow and circumstpectly with personal impressions. They
are SO open to misinterpretation. For example, Carl wrote:
And I understood that Luria was
bitter about the CP and felt so politically threatened that he turned from
sociohistorical studies to medical studies to avoid any political
persecution. Is all that wrong?

It would take the better part of a book to answer your question Carl. And
it would take ditto to clear up/confront/contest other stories about what
who felt when under what circumstances.

Part of what you write above framed carefully fits my information. Other parts
do not at all. And disentangling from "here" (geo-temporally and cultural and..
......) seems almost certianly so open to misinterpretation as to be not
worth the effort. It is not that I am not interested in the issue. My personal
involvement with some of the key players goes back many decades and has covered
a lot of ground. But I have absolutely not faith that i know "the truth," that
there is "A truth" or that even if there were A truth, I could know it. I
personally prefer, and offer as a useful path into the future for others, to
seek to understand what we can of the past and to judge what we can make of
those interpretations now that will enrich humanity. We will be wrong in the
details for sure. but we might get lucky and find a useful direction.

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