Re: Personality

From: Judy Diamondstone (
Date: Sun Nov 05 2000 - 09:20:41 PST

At 09:39 PM 11/5/00 +1100, you wrote:

>Any disagreement: initially the subject hasn't even come up, then there are
>two opposite positions in fierce conflict and ultimately agreement is
>reached, with a deeper understanding on both sides, hopefully!

Oh, that's a nice ideal, Andy. Samsara is the Buddhist term for the
desire-driven fantasy that we inhabit and call reality. "Reality" as we
know it is an illustion and Satori (a kind of vision of Truth) frees us
from it. There are no tensions, no contradictions, not dialectical demands
on thought in Satori (not that I'm an expert in Buddhism - that's my

The story you present seems, to be frank, horribly reductive. I know you
simplified for my benefit, but I have the same skepticism about Habermas.
To imagine a totally rational human world is ridiculous.


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