RE: RE: leontiev reading

From: Nate Schmolze (
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 13:48:38 PDT

1) Temporarily if you want a crossword free page with fixed up intro and CH
1 use (small
mca). The fixed up intro and one is getting rid of excess css code that
should not have been there is the 1st place. I call it the Bill (Gates)

2) In general I am hopeful the audience will come out more clearly when the
discussion starts. I would say its the west - pointing out our pitfalls and
attempting to resolve the contradictions within "western psychology". As
far as Varangians I assume they are "us" or at least some of us. My take is
its a defence of psychology from being hijacked from above and below - the
"v" did seem however to be directed at multidiciplinary research.

Very clearly I think Leont'ev places his work in the Marxist tradition that
sets itself in oppossition to multiple varieties "bourgeois" science. I
have mixed feeling on the usefullness on dwelling too much on the tone -
there is certainly one - at the cost of finding aspects where we can move

Here I think Engestrom's words will be useful - getting to the substance and
past the rhetoric of the intro and chapter 1. My impression is its more of a
conversation "to" than a coversation "with" and it is keeping the focus on
the latter that will be the most useful for us.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eva Ekeblad []
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: RE: leontiev reading

At 10.42 -0600 00-09-22, Phillip White scrobe:
> nate, could someone give a contextual over-view that was done for the
>earlier article? the author's audience? movitation in writing? political
>contexts? degree of marginalization, etc.?

...and to please tell us who are these "Varangians" some voices are heard
openly calling to rule psychology.


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