>Dear colleagues,
>the second FQS issue - Qualitative Methods in Various Disciplines I:
>- is now available at http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs-eng.htm. As
>some of you might already know, FQS fulltexts are remaining accessible free of
>cost. Compared to FQS 1(1) an important change should be mentioned: Most
>abstracts now are available in English, German, & Spanish language. Actual
>Latinamerican colleagues are starting to develop a Spanish language FQS
>and we are discussing to realize also a Spanish FQS portal.
>Enjoy reading, & if there are any remarks or questions (or difficulties in
>accessing our sites), please let us know!
>All the best,
>Katja Mruck, Editor
>Qualitative Methods in Various Disciplines I: Psychology
>edited by Franz Breuer, Katja Mruck & Carl Ratner
>The following contributions are freely available online
>F=Fulltext, A=Abstract
>E=English, G=German, S=Spanish
>Katja Mruck, Franz Breuer & Carl Ratner: Introduction (FE, FG)
>Franz Breuer & Katja Mruck: About this Issue: Qualitative Methods and
>in German Language Countries (FE, FG)
>Franz Breuer: Qualitative Methods in the Study of Biographies,
>Interactions and
>Everyday Life Contexts: The Development of a Research Style (FE, FG, AS)
>Stefan Busse, Christiane Ehses & Rainer Zech: Collective Research in
>Autobiography (FD, FE 8/00, AE, AS)
>Arnulf Deppermann: Studying Talk-in-interaction-Where Linguistics,
>Sociology and
>Psychology Meet (FG, AE, AS)
>Michael Dick: The Use of Narrative Grid Interviews in Psychological Mobility
>Research (FE, FG, AS)
>Irmentraud Ertel: Qualitative Research on Families and Communication (FE, FG)
>Herbert Fitzek: Figurations in Everyday-life-A Research Program for Cultural
>Psychology (FG, FE 7/00, AE, AS)
>Mathias Graf & Heinz Walter: Objective Hermeneutics in the Research on Fathers
>(FG, AE, AS)
>Norbert Groeben & Brigitte Scheele: Dialogue-hermeneutic Method and the
>"Research Program Subjective Theories" (FG, AE, AS)
>Olaf Jensen: The Shared Construction of Texts (FG, AE, AS)
>Wilhelm Kempf, Wassilios Baros & Irena Regener: Socio-Psychological
>Reconstruction-Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in
>Psychological Research on Conflict and Peace (FG, AE, AS)
>Mechthild Kiegelmann: Qualitative Psychological Research Using the Method of
>Voice (FE, FG, AS)
>Mechthild Kiegelmann, Josef Held & Guenter L. Huber: Center for Qualitative
>Psychology at the University of Tuebingen, Germany (FG, AE, AS)
>Wolfgang Kraus: Making Identity Talk. On Qualitative Methods in a Longitudinal
>Study (FG, FE 7/00, AE, AS)
>Christina Krause, Volker Mueller-Benedict & Ulrich Wiesmann: Little
>Children-Lots of Data. Possibilities to Combine Qualitative and Quantitative
>Research Methods to Analyze Narratives about the Self (FG, FE 8/00, AE, AS)
>Thomas Kuehn & Andreas Witzel: School-to-Work-Transition-Career
>Development and
>Family Planning: Methodological Guidelines and Challenges of a Qualitative
>Longitudinal Panel-Study (FG, FE 7/00, AE)
>Gabriele Lucius-Hoene: Constructing and Reconstructing Narrative Identity (FE,
>FG, AS)
>Morus Markard: Critical Psychology: Methodology from the Standpoint of the
>Subject (FG, AE)
>Philipp Mayring: Qualitative Content Analysis (FE, FG, AS)
>Karin S. Moser: Metaphor Analysis in Psychology-Method, Theory, and Fields of
>Application (FG, AE, AS)
>Petra Muckel: Methodological Reflection upon Institutional Research-Reflecting
>Phenomena, a Means of Knowledge Acquirement (FE, FG)
>Ariane Schorn: The "Theme-centered Interview". A Method to Decode Manifest and
>Latent Aspects of Subjective Realities (FE, FG, AS)
>Hans-Juergen Seel: The Future Prospects for (Qualitative) Psychology (FE, FG,
>Andreas Stratkoetter: The "Forschungsstelle Qualitative Methoden" at the
>Heinrich Heine-University of Duesseldorf: Approaches towards Social Scientific
>Research on Psychotherapy (FG, AE)
>Erhard Tietel: The Interview as a Relational Space (FG, AE, AS)
>Rudolph F. Wagner: In Favour of Research Appropriate to its Subject Matter:
>Human Beings in the Context of Medical Care (FE, FG, AS)
>Jarg B. Bergold: The Affinity between Qualitative Methods and Community
>Psychology (FG, AE, AS)
>Guenter Mey: Qualitative Research and the Analysis of Processes.
>towards a "Qualitative Developmental Psychology"; English version of a
>contribution published as a fulltext in FQS 1(1) only in German language (FE,
>FG, AS)
>David L. Rennie, Kimberly D. Watson & Althea Monteiro: Qualitative Research in
>Canadian Psychology (FE, AD, AS)
>Esther Wiesenfeld: The Researcher´s Place in Qualitative Inquiries:
>Promises? (FE, FS, AD)
>FQS DEBATE: "Quality of Qualitative Research"
>Franz Breuer: Editorial Note (FE, FG)
>Jo Reichertz: On the Problem of Validity of Qualitative Research (FG, AE)
>Guenter Mey: Editorial Note (FE, FG)
>a) Review Essays
>Nina Leonhard: History as Memory. Review essay: Elisabeth Domansky & Harald
>Welzer (Eds.) (1999). Eine offene Geschichte. Zur kommunikativen
>Tradierung der
>nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit. (FE, FG)
>Guenter Mey: Interpretationsspielraeume erkennen und nutzen - Reflexionen zum
>Sinnverstehen. Review essay: Juergen Straub (1999). Handlung, Interpretation,
>Kritik. Grundzuege einer textwissenschaftlichen Handlungs- und
>b) Review Notes
>Sarah Delaney: Stacy Holman Jones (1998). "Caleidoscope Notes": Writing
>Music and Organizational Culture (FE)
>Kai J. Jonas: Batinic, Bernard (Hrsg.) (2000). Internet für Psychologen (2.
>revised edition) (FG)
>Werner Schreiber: Irmgard Jansen (1999). Maedchen in Haft.
>Konzepte. (FG)
>Carlos Koelbl: Udo Kelle & Susann Kluge (1999). Vom Einzelfall zum Typus.
>Fallvergleich und Fallkontrastierung in der qualitativen Sozialforschung (FG)
>Ulf Bruedigam: Gemeinsame Tagung der AG Erziehungswissenschaftliche
>Biographieforschung der DGfE und der Sektion Biographieforschung der DGS,
>February 2000 (FG)
>Art Bochner: Ethnography for the Twenty-First Century: Alternatives and
>Opportunities, January 2000 (FE)
>FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung
>/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627)
>German -> http://qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs.htm
>English -> http://qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs-eng.htm
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