Perhaps you can follow up on the tantalizing comment that Vygotsky provided
the key to your understanding of the categories of Hegel's logic.
It's really quite intriguing since there is an implicit relationship between
"alienation" (Entrfremdung primarily and to a lesser degree Entausserung)
and the Vygotskian notion of internalization and I'm wondering if that had
any part in your insight. The difference between the description of
alienation in the Phenomenology of Spirit and it's somewhat transformed role
in the Logic seems to me to be a major hurdle to overcome. In any event, I
find that it's somewhat easy to read the Logic materialistically if the
categories of capital are substituted; e.g., value=essence, use-value=being,
notion=capital, or do I have that wrong? I wonder how a similar reading
from the Vygtoskian perpsective would go.
Paul H. Dillon
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