RE: Who needs therapy?

From: Nate (
Date: Fri May 12 2000 - 17:18:54 PDT

Chapter 3 of the Crisis seems pertinant to the discussion.

The development of the rise and fall of an explanatory psychology is even
interesting to one who is not a great fan of development. It seems whatever
it is ??? - it has been under critique from a variety of forces or as
Vygotsky said,

"Only having developed into a world view or having become attached to it,
does the particular idea change from a scientific fact into a fact of social
life again, i.e., it returns to the bosom from which it came. Only having
become part of social life again, does it reveal its social nature, which of
course was present all the time, but was hidden under the mask of the
neutral scientific fact it impersonated."


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