Re: Jensen redux

Diane Hodges (dhodges who-is-at
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 08:50:07 -0700

thanks, mike, for the reminding me how psychology crawls.
any studies out there looking at brains by measuring bumps on the skull?
or studies that express a worry about how males develop at a slower pace
than girls?
or why boys' brains are overhwhelmed with spatial abilities
and so lacking in language?
or clitoris-size and brain abilities in girls?

' 'We have destroyed something by our presence,' said Bernard, 'a
world perhaps.'
(Virginia Woolf, "The Waves")

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
diane celia hodges
university of british columbia, vancouver / university of colorado, denver

Diane_Hodges who-is-at