I find the results/reactions of the Aussie Referendum very interesting.
Regarding the conservative no voters, a friend mentioned that many were fr
farming community living on "crown" (???) land, ... and certainly the PM has
decidedly frame his strong anti-republican question(s) with decided objectives.
What about you Helen, what did you vote for?
Wollongong is just up the road to me (Sydney), ay!
Irina Verenika visited us at Sydney Uni yesterday, and she brought along a
"Information systems & Activity Theory". Are you one of the editors. I'll
like to get hold of that book for a better read.
At 08:10 AM 18/11/99 +1100, you wrote:
>Here are a couple of items about the Aussie Referendum that might interest you
>1. The only one of our 6 states to get a majority of "yes" votes was
>named for the long serving British Monarch.
>2. There was a strong correlation of "yes" voters with education, wealth
and urban
>living. The less well education, the less well off and the country voters
were the
>conservative "no" voters.
>3. Our Prime Minister, who framed the question, is a strong anti-republican.
>4. The estimate by pollsters was that there is an 80-90% sentiment that we
>have an Australian born head of state.
>5. Probably there is the same support for the notion that our system of
>has worked very well and there is no need to make any drastic changes.
>Helen Hasan
>Wollongong (near Sydney) University
>Victoria Yew wrote:
>> Mike,
>> More food for thoughts to add to your contribution ...
>> Recently, the land Downunder ("Aussie Land") has gone on a national vote for
>> either a republic nation or remain loyal to the British Monarch ... and the
>> latter won, all because of confusions over interpretation of what a republic
>> for Aussieland would mean.
>> Sad ... why can't Aussie land have an Aussie head of state??? The Asians
(eg in
>> S.E Asia) have thrown out the British monarch yonders ago, and reinterpreted
>> Colonial history ... in very much different manners.
>> Upon reflections, I wonder if the politicians have been reading XMCA recently
>> ... for ideas of creating confusions ... 8-)
>> So, the saga continues ...
>> Victoria
>> Mike Cole wrote:
>> > In the background is tonight's BBC news. The story is about the crash of
>> > the Egyptian airplane and its causes. The Americans and Egyptian officials
>> > cannot agree on the interpretation of events. It seems like a fabulous
>> > opportunity for understanding in a different way the work that chuck
>> > and candy goodwin have done on being socialized to "see-as". I hope someone
>> > is collecting relevant artifacts!
>> > mike
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Victoria Yew
SU-PESA President
Doctoral Candidate
School of Educational Psychology, Literacies & Learning
Faculty of Education
University of Sydney
Telephone : (61 2) 9351 6326
Fax : (61 2) 9351 2606
E-mail : v.yew who-is-at edfac.usyd.edu.au