Re: social promotion

Charles Nelson (c.nelson who-is-at
Sat, 25 Sep 1999 17:55:15 -0600

Someone mentioned earlier about comprehensive exams not being done at the
university. Actually, they are at the doctoral level in the form of
qualifying exams. Plus, prospective teachers need to pass certification
exams, and lawyers and doctors need to pass bar and medical exams before
being able to practice their trade--not to mention many others.

These exams supposedly represent a certain minimum level of knowledge,
proficiency or mastery. Somehow it seems that a high school diploma should
also stand for something (whatever it might be) other than being a certain

Not knowing anything about the research on retention (other than what I've
read on this listserv), I'm curious if any suggestions have been offered
that involves neither retention nor social passing, but still helps high
school students reach a minimum level of whatever it is that they should

Charles Nelson
c.nelson who-is-at