There is a emerging group of literature on this subject. Below is a new
online journal and some references that might be useful. I am currently
taking a graduate course from Marianne Bloch (University of Wisconsin) who
has been focusing on this issue for some time now. She, among others, was
influential in getting NAEYC to rethink some of its policies on
Developmentally Appropriate Practice.
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education
Louis Holzman
Schools for Growth
Lawrence Erlbaum Asssociates (1997)
"Development and Learning: What Psychology has Constructed"
Nikolas Rose (1989)
Governing the Soul
Valarie Walkerdine (1984)
The Mastery of Reason
Gaile Cannella (1997)
Deconstructing the Discourses of Early Childhood Education
E. Burman
Deconstructing Developmental Psychology
Mallory B. and New R..
Diversity and Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Teachers College Press
Prout, Jenks, and James (1998)
Theorizing Childhood
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Bryson <brys who-is-at>
To: <xmca who-is-at>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 10:26 AM
Subject: query
> Foolishly, I responded to a colleague who asked me to give a talk in his
> development lecture series, "But I don't believe in development!". The
> riposte is now the title of my soon-to-be delivered talk. I am going to
> to write something about "development" as a trope that *does* a
> and policing of "the normal" (a la Doing things with Words/Austin blah
> blah). Now I know someone has probably already written this paper, and
> of you folks might know who, or even have been the author of this paper.
> Any hints or feedback on what I might read VASTLY appreciated. (I tried
> mewling that I didn't have "any data", and wasn't that a sine qua non for
> talking about development? That didn't work either. We live in strange
> times.)
> Mary
> Dr. Mary Bryson, Associate Professor,
> Faculty of Education, UBC
> Principal Co-Investigator: GenTech Project