Eva Ekeblad: eva.ekeblad who-is-at
Contact, Community and Multilogue
This paper describes the computer mediated activity on a cluster of related
mailinglists, the xlists, subscribed by researchers and practicioners with
a common interest in cultural-historical activity theory. Ten years of
archived electronic messages form the basis for an archaeology of
collective as well as individual development and learning within this
virtual community, which has been very generative through the years.
The Emergence and Decay of Multilogue on a Scholarly Mailinglist
This paper is based on research into the electronic archives of 10 years of
discussions on an assembly of scholarly mailinglists, the Xlists, a virtual
setting which has sustained discussions over cultural-historical,
sociocultural and activity-theoretical approaches to human learning,
development, communication and work since the middle of the 80s. The Xlist
archives offer ample material for examination of the spontaneous emergence
and decay of multilogical episodes in a virtual community of learners.
Nate Schmolze
schmolze who-is-at
People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds,
People who possess strong feelings even people with great minds
and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls
L.S. Vygotsky