Members of Turkish Psychological Assosication has started a campaign to
help traumatized and orphaned children in a wide variety of ways. One such
way is providing children some counseling, and teaching volunteer adults
counseling skills to provide children as much help as they can. Does
anybody know of any sources on how to help traumatized children and also
how to "train" people to work with them? If you have anything that you can
fax, please fax it to me at 312 996-6400 or to Leyla Ozalp in Istanbul 011
90 212 272 8748. If you have some references, please post them to me.
Also, according to a note I just received from Cigdem Kagitcibasi, they are
looking for temporary/permanent homes for the orphaned children. If
anybody is interested in exploring this possibility, the following are some
of the social service agencies that can be called. I am willing to help
you to find out about the government policy for out of the country
adoptions, etc.
- Cagdas Yasami Destekleme Dernegi: 0 11 90 212 252 0253
- Sosyal Hizmetler Mudurlugu: 0 11 90 212 511 1096
- Kocaeli Cocuk Esirgeme Kurumu: 0 11 90 262 322 39 82
If you want to contact the Turkish Psychological Association, you can visit
them on their web page or write directly to Serdar M. Degirmencioglu at
serdar-degirmencioglu who-is-at
Artin Goncu, Ph.D
Associate Professor
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Educational Psychology (M/C 147)
College of Education
1040 w. Harrison Street
Chicago, IL 60607-7133
(312) 996-5259