Re: Krupskaya

Phillip Allen White (pwhite who-is-at
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 06:55:42 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Peter Smagorinsky wrote:

> At 06:58 PM 4/13/99 -0600, you wrote:
> > it is almost as if whites define themselves as whites through

> While undoubtedly many whites, men, and heterosexuals define themselves
> this way, I'd be cautious about stating absolutes like these. There are 2
> Peter

i appreciate the cautious reminder, Peter - which is why i
phrased my beginning statement -

"it is almost as if"

because i don't _know_ - it's like a theme that many people hum,
but no one seems to know the source or meaning of the tune...

our old laws certainly seem to have been defined in such a manner
so much 'negro' blood equals not white, etc. and while old laws can be
gotten rid of, beliefs don't seem to change so readily.

the recent court rulings in Zimbabwe stripping women of their
rights - the last world conference on women's rights that experienced so
much resistance from religious groups.

it's hard to analyze - and no doubt such big statements on my
part have not been a help for you - my intention is not to be
_universalist_ but to look as systemic messages.


phillip white pwhite who-is-at


A relation of surveillance, defined and regulated,
is inscribed at the heart of the practice of teaching, not
as an additional or adjacent part, but as a mechanism that
is inherent to it and which increases its efficiency.

Michel Foucault / Discipline & Punish
