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Some quotes from Collected Works V.4 that point to Vygotsky thinking of =
unit of analyses other than "word meaning".=20
Collected Works: Volume 4
The History of the Development of Higher Mental Processes
In referring to his "instrumental method", Vygotsky argues;=20
"In the higher structure, the sign and methods of its use are the =
functional, determining whole or focus of the whole process".
I see Vygotsky arguing for mediation through cultural means as a unit of =
analyses similar to Wertch's idea of mediation. While Vygotsky does not =
give the tension between cultural means and agents the attention it =
deserves as Wertsch does, he does seem to see mediation through cultural =
means as a unit of analyses. Wasn't this what Vygotsky's studies with =
children in reference to signs in Mind in Society about? It was through =
sign use as a unit of analysis that allowed Vygotsky to study a child's =
development that was alive and in the process of development rather than =
fossilized. I know Wertch argues in Vygotsky and the Social Formation =
of Mind of "word meaning" not being an acceptable unit of analyses or =
psycholgical cell. While Vygotsky does give language a strong =
preverence, my understanding was word meaning was a particular unit of =
analyses, although probally one of Vygotsky's most thought about units, =
that related to thought and word. =20
On page 87, he states;=20
"We might summrize what our comparative considerations of higher and =
lower forms of behavior leads to and say, the unity (unit of analyses) =
of all processes that constitute the higher form is formed on the basis =
of two instances; first, the unity of the problem confronting man (goal =
?) and second, as we have already said, the means that dictate the whole =
structure of the process of behavior (motive ?)".
Nate Schmolze
schmolze who-is-at students.wisc.edu
People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds,
People who possess strong feelings even people with great minds
and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls
L.S. Vygotsky=20
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