Info war

Phil Graham (pw.graham who-is-at
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 02:56:12 +1100

The US Department of Defense has defined cyberspace as a battlespace:
'The new doctrine, which covers defensive and offensive
information operations,
raises information warfare to the same importance as the
three traditional
battlegrounds -- air, land and sea -- and treats
cyberspace as something akin to
a physical space that has "become a critical
environment," said Kuehl, speaking
here at the semiannual Navy Connecting Technology Conference.

The Information Operations doctrine "moves information
operations from an ad
hoc process and institutionalizes it." The individual
services already had taken
steps to formalize their information operations, Kuehl
said, and the new doctrine
brings these operations into the joint realm.

The doctrine published by the chiefs takes warfare to a
new dimension with the
"ultimate target [of information operations] human
decision-making." Kuehl
added that the Pentagon now refers to conducting wars in
"battlespace'' rather
than battlegrounds to indicate the shift of warfare from
the purely physical

The codification of information operations recognizes
that information warfare
has become a "global issue" Kuehl said, with major
"nation states [engaged in]
information operations 365 days a year."'

Phil Graham
Queensland University of Technology