I would vote for the five analyses (one by you) with associated
commentaries by Judith Green and Jeremy Roschelle that will be appearing in
a special issue of _Discourse Processes_ next spring. I think, taken
together, this will be a wonderful resource for people teaching courses on
analytic methods. ---Tim
Timothy Koschmann |
Cognitive Science Division | <surface shipping address>
Department of Medical Education | Department of Medical Education
Southern Illinois University | Southern Illinois University
P.O. Box 19230, MS 1217 | 801 Rutledge Street, MS 1217
Springfield, IL 62794-9230 | Springfield, IL 62702-9230
+1-217-785-4396 (voice) | U.S.A.
+1-217-524-0192 (fax) |
homepage: http://edaff.siumed.edu/tk/