Re: Wetsch: Mind as Action

John St. Julien (stjulien who-is-at UDel.Edu)
Wed, 5 Aug 1998 00:51:14 -0400

Nate, David, folks,

If folks decide to read _Mind as Action_ by Wertsch collectively please
count me in. I've long wanted to explore this. Let me know and I'll zip
over to (On list or off list--if our interest turns out to
relatively rare.)

John St. Julien

>Following Mike's suggestion I put in my order for Mind As Action
>and am waiting for delivery. A systematic XMCA discussion
>would be useful for me.
>Thanks for the suggestion.
>David Kirshner

John St. Julien (stjulien who-is-at
Department of Educational Development
University of Delaware