job announcement

Leigh Star (star who-is-at
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 16:34:15 -0600

Tenure Track Faculty in Science, Technology, and Public Policy

The Departments of Political Science and Physics and Astronomy at
Iowa State University invite applications for a tenure-track position in
science, technology and public policy, beginning August 1998. The
appointment is likely to be at the assistant professor rank, with the
possibility for hiring at an advanced rank in an exceptional case. While
the Department of Political Science will be the tenure-track department for
this faculty member, the successful applicant will be expected to work with
the Department of Physics and Astronomy (and other physical sciences). In
addition, the faculty appointee will be expected to work closely with the
International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (IITAP), a
UNESCO-sponsored institute at Iowa State University, whose activities
involve promoting international cooperation among social and physical
scientists among developed and developing countries. As such, the faculty
member should possess sufficient scientific and technical knowledge to
cooperate successfully with these various units in addressing global policy

A Ph.D. in Political Science or Public Policy with an emphasis on
science and technology policy (or equivalent experience) is preferred, and
preference will be given to those applicants who have an accompanying
degree in one of the physical sciences. Teaching responsibilities will
involve current courses in the area, but the successful applicant will be
expected to develop additional courses of a multidisciplinary nature
employing scientific and technological resources to address emerging global
challenges. Research responsibilities will involve the development of new
initiatives combining scientific and technological knowledge with public
policy approaches to national and international issues, such as sustainable
development, global warming, and technological risk management. Previous
experience in securing grants will be desirable. Salary is competitive,
based upon experience and qualifications.

Iowa State University is a land grant university with an emphasis
on science and technology, offering more than 120 majors and enrolling more
than 25,000 students. Applications from women, minorities, and Vietnam-era
veterans are encouraged. Candidates should forward a statement summarizing
interests and skills applicable to the position, curriculum vitae, writing
samples, and at least three letters of recommendation to: Dr. Yong Lee,
Search Committee Chair, Department of Political Science, 541 Ross Hall,
Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. For additional inquiries call (515)
294-8892/3764, e-mail <yonglee who-is-at>, or fax (515) 294-1003/3072.
Review of applications will begin March 1, 1998 and will continue until the
position is filled.