My interest is genuine, in case that needs to be said !
I'm intrigued by your idea that family discourse about alternative
conceptions of sexuality might nurture a more sophisticated view
of the domain than plain old heterosexual, unproblematized familiy life.
The notion is somewhat akin to the thesis advanced by Raphael Diaz and others
that enhanced metalinguistic awareness may mediate a positive influence
on langauge development for children raised in bilingual families.
I tend to subscribe to a similar notion for bicultural families like mine:
I think our children grow up with a privileged sense of the
complexity and subtlety of culture, often tinged with a painful sense
of marginality, but nevertheless truly powerful for dealing with the
challenges of life at the borders between cultures, etc.
I look forward to hearing of the fruits of your literature search.
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At 9:50 AM 3/11/98, SERPELL wrote:
>Is there a good source that you could recommend for detailed descriptions
>and evaluations of such family arrangements ? I admired the French movie,
>"La cage aux folles", as an optimistic and tender representation of the
>possibilities of good parenting by gay couples, and have read the occasional
>newspaper article, but I feel the need for more documentation of actual
>families that have "successfully" raised "healthy" children in this way.
At this point, my sources are mostly anecdotal (AH-HAH!!) ; many friends
have chosen to raise children, and of course local news stories, video
documentaries - and my housemate's mother was a dyke, and, like he's pretty
cool.. I'm joking now. But seriously, you've piqued my interest and I am
checking out some sources - will post asap.
>One point of reference that comes to mind is the rather sobering set of
>findings reported by Tom Weisner and his colleagues from their longitudinal
>study of child development in Californian families that defined themselves
>as radically anti-sexist, etc. The children by and large reverted over time
>to the conservative mind-set that their parents were reacting against !
Yes, I've read a lot of studies with similar results,...I think in terms of
our discussion of sexual identity, if anyone were to study this, and i am
not sure if there are or aren't research studies on this (my ignorance does
not prevent me from going on with this...amazing ain't it?)
but anyhow, (she went on anyway) in the contexts of sexual identity, being
aware of sexuality on more complex levels than those of the usually
undisclosed heterosexualities
( no het' parent has to sit down with their kid and say, "Sweetie, your mom
and I are straight."), I think, would offer a significant sophistication to
one s social intellgience, in being aware of both the "inside" and the
'outsides" of society - gay parents have to deal with these issues with
their kids on a regular basis,
and whether the kids are straight or gay, I think having the experience of
that intelligible sexuality is healthier than the unuttered assumptions of
hetersexism. But I'm speaking from experience, here, not theory.
diane, who _could_ go look it up but is apologizing instead for being too lazy
"Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right." Ani Difranco
diane celia hodges
faculty of education, centre for the study of curriculum and
university of british columbia
vancouver, bc canada
snailmail: 3519 Hull Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada V5N 4R8