Self description of Phil Henning

Phil Henning (pxh15 who-is-at
Mon, 9 Mar 1998 11:26:47 -0800 (PST)


I am interested in exploring technical work activity using observational
type ethnographic methods. I am particularyly interested at this point in
the types of verbal and graphical representations that technicians create
and interpret in order to do their work. I am an associate professor at the
Pennylvania College of Technology where I have taught classes in electrical
technology and HVAC controls for the last twenty years. I am also an
affiliate faculty member in the Instructional Systems Department, College
of Education, Penn State. My doctorate is in instructional systems and for
my dissertation research I did an ethnograpic study of the work and
situated learning of commercial refrigeration service technicians.

My research interests include ethnographic methods, representatational
practices of technicians, conversation analysis, ethnomethodology and
social studies of science and technology.

Phil Henning

Philip H. Henning, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Electrical Technology
Pennsylvania College of Technology, Penn State
One College Av.
Williamsport, PA 18616 USA

Affiliate Assistant Professor of Education (Instructional Systems)
Department of Adult Education, Instructional Systems, and Workforce
Education and Development
College of Education, Penn State.

717-326-3761 ext. 7475 (W) 717-924-3986 (H)
Email: pxh15 who-is-at
