Re:TESL-HK Newsletter: Internet Version

Angel Lin (ENANGEL who-is-at
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 17:18:53 +0800

Dear Xmca-ers,

To strengthen the links between teacher-educators and secondary school
teachers, a number of colleagues and myself have launched TESL-HK: A
Newsletter for English Language Teaching Professionals.

We're also launching an internet version of it so that we can share our
ideas and works with teachers and teacher-educators not only in Hong Kong
but also in other countries and places.

Please click on the web site address below to see a trial version; as we're
in the process of designing it, I'd like to take the liberty of requesting
you to visit the site and requesting you to give us suggestions on the
design of it.

For the time being, please send feedback to me (e-mail:
enangel who-is-at (as the web page e-mail link isn't totally finished

Thanks a great deal!
Angel Lin (Assistant Professor, English Dept, City University of Hong Kong;
e-mail: enangel who-is-at

>Dear Colleagues,
>The TESL-HK newsletter is going to be put on the Internet. Please >click on
>the web site address below to see the sample.
>Could you write me any suggestions or comments on the format and
>interactive design so that we can get the software company to make it more
>teacher- and user-friendly. Also, are there any additional interactive
>features you would like to be added? e.g., Notes to Contributors; To
>contribute articles, etc.?
>Please also comment on how user-friendly it is to teachers (e.g., secondary
>school) in general? Or do you think that it gives the feeling of reaching
>out to teachers or not, or is it too static, to difficult to use, etc. ?
>You can also comment on the color, graphics design... is it attractive or
>We need your suggestions as this can promote our department's image and our
>links with the community and people overseas as well. As we're running
>against time too, could you write me or tell me (ext. 8122) any feedback or
>suggestions by next Friday (Jan 23)? Thanks a great deal!
>Angel(L)(for the TESL-HK Team, English Department, City University of Hong
>Just click on the web site address below (and choose Navigator/Explorer or
other programmes as the
>program to open it) to see the internet version of TESL-HK: