the difficulty I have is that over the minorities as classes/categories.
A school teachers asked me: Ania, why is it that in the grade 8 all
students play together with no visible dissonounce between them and in
grade 12 the picture changes to students tending to create separations
strong and visible to all? This separation is even more clearly
identifiable since many Aboriginal students seem to be refused entry to
(or do not see themselves a reason too mix with) "white" groups?
I think that one way to make sure that education systems do not themselves
draw the line between us and them (whoever the groups are and in whatever
terms the separation is reinforced either as guilt or racism) is to
rethink the awareness-strategies as well as the focus of concern. If
education equal for all is the goal, then there may be more snooping
around required before we solve problems which prevent all disadvantaged
from access to discourses and ways of being that are valued.
ania lian