Re: job offering

Peter Smagorinsky (psmagorinsky who-is-at
Sun, 5 Oct 1997 09:55:47 -0500 (CDT)

Could you please re-post this, identifying the institution that's offering
the position and the person to whom to send applications?

Thanks, Peter

At 03:37 PM 10/3/97 -0700, you wrote:
> Please Post and Distribute
>Faculty Position in Cross-Cultural Cognitive Development
>Applications are being accepted for an academic year tenure-track
>appointment in Cross-Cultural Cognitive Development at the Assistant
>Professor level with a joint appointment in the Experiment Station. Fiscal
>year term employment will be offered and continued based on academic
>personnel review. Faculty advise and teach at the undergraduate and
>graduate levels. Candidates will be expected to teach, develop a research
>program which focuses on cultural and other environmental (nutritional,
>toxicological) determinants of variations in human cognitive development,
>and guide graduate student research. Candidates must hold an earned
>Doctoral or equivalent degree in Psychology, Human Development, or related
>filed, and a record of research in cognitive development. Knowledge of
>brain-behavior relationships is desirable.
>Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) is responsible for an
>undergraduate degree program which enrolls over 500 majors, and forms the
>core faculty for both an M.S. degree program in Child Development and a
>Ph.D. program in Human Development. Research and teaching interests of
>HDFS encompass the life cycle from birth to old age. Faculty research
>includes projects ranging from those focusing primarily on environmental
>determinants of behavioral development to projects focused upon the
>organismic substrate of such growth. Faculty of HDFS are engaged in
>collaborative efforts with faculty from other campus departments such as
>Anthropology, Psychology, Nutrition, and Psychiatry, and with researchers
>from other University of California campuses as well as other universities
>in the United States and abroad.
>With their applications, interested parties shouldinstitutional commitment
>to the development of a climate and supports equality of opportunity and
>respect for differences.