Ideology and adolescence
Francoise Herrmann (fherrmann who-is-at
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 20:22:21 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Tomasz, Hi Eugene, Eva and all interested. Jim WErtsch and
Bill Penuel (are you there?) wrote a good paper on identity
formation -in-action, inasuch as that is what you might be
referring to as ideology in late adolescence. They reveiw much of
Erikson's work on identity formation who, incidently has a rather
beautiful view of the adolescent's role in evolutionary terms
(i.e.; adolescents pick and choose so to speak what stays, as
positive in evolutionary terms), fly from there to show how
adolescents fight to impose their identity on the world at large
(surrounding them.) This is why WErtsch and Penuel speak of
identity -in-action. Dolto has another take on adolescence. She
speaks of transition and rupture with childhood, in particular the
ability to separate at many different levels (separatio of the
imaginary from the real, dreams for real relationships and
separation from family- that is when the parents' fears longer
take hold on the individual).
References, when y ew keyboard comes in the mail. I am loosing y
"m, n, and right shift key".!
Francoise Francoise Herrmann fherrmann who-is-at
Great for doing "cloze" texts!