The field is so broad that one must necessarily be selective. I hope to develop
through seminar and reading a number of worked examples of how the many
strands interact in various sociocultural settings.
Graham Nuthall's qualitative analysis of how children of different "ability"
access learning opportunities in New Zealand elementary school classrooms is
an excellent example.
Another might be the work Anita Craig has begun to tell me about in South
Africa, trying to teach children how to do well on standardized tests.
Another that has captured the imagination of one of my students is the
differential use across social classes in the US of diagnostic categories
and intervention startegies such as LD, ADD, ritalin, etc.
I shall continue to welcome additional suggestions for reading and discussion.
Robert Serpell Telephone: (410)455-2417
Psychology Department (410)455-2567
University of Maryland Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle,
Baltimore, MD 21250 Fax: (410)455-1055
INTERNET: Serpell who-is-at
Psyc 415 syllabus, to follow as a separate posting.