Re: realis and irrealis

Eva Ekeblad (eva.ekeblad who-is-at
Thu, 4 Sep 1997 21:47:43 +0200

At 10.10 +0000 97-09-04, Bill Barowy wrote:
>I don't understand your point. Are you blurring the line between empiricis=
>and solipsism? In your view, what is the status of the world external to t=

I know I'm not Jay. But seeing your questions I wonder why they have to be
asked, why the old drama starring the Knower and featuring the External
World is still attracting audiences? What about the alternative ecological
paradigm where Scientist and World are mutually internal as different-scale
components of the global system. Is our reality less real if we are always
entangled in its particularities, if even science is a social practice?
Even so the Reality running straight through us has ways of rather rudely
correcting erroneous conjectures... in time.
