I offer here my own digest of some of the ideas about learning -
that is, social learning or co-regulation of organisms.
Two "mechanisms" of co-regulation were mentioned:
IMITATION (mimesis) [which branches into/ out of emulation...]
INDUCTION (prolepsis) where one interactant anticipates/ induces
the actions of another
One "mechanism" wasn't mentioned but might account for the
kind of systems-mixing interactions that were fruitfully discussed:
ABDUCTION ("stealing" of one thing for another use/object/activity
- like play?) - effected by way of artifacts of culture. Examples of
abduction would by renarrativising the past (stealing the past for the
present), using a broom in play as a flying machine;
Another example without identifiable agents comes to mind:
grammatical metaphor in language -- one semiotic function "steals"
from another. Abduction complicates the framing of what's
co-regulated because it transgresses functional systems & system levels.
-- More later, I hope...
Wise persons draw outlines; therefore they see well
Judith Diamondstone
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