verbal play of working class youth

ENANGEL who-is-at
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 16:18:32 +0800

Dear xmca-lites,

I have made a request for refs. on youth verbal play studies earlier
and am putting forward this request again. I have got some very useful
refs. including Candy Goodwin's He-Said-She-Said; I would like to see if
you know of any other recent/on-going studies on working class youth's
verbal play genres, activities and practices, especially among Asian
working class adolescents, both boys and girls.

We're now working on a project on the discourses of Cantonese adolescents
in Hong Kong. Our graduate student researchers are doing field work in
youth centres and outreach basketball and football teams, hanging around
with teenagers and collecting data on their interactions and verbal play
practices in different settings, both indoor and outdoor (e.g., in centre
volunteer work team meetings, in the bus, on the subway, in basketball

We've got some very interesting prelim. data, and will continue to collect
more this summer. Meanwhile, I'd like to collect more refs. on similar
studies done or being done in other settings elsewhere to offer insights,
opportunities for comparisons, and to further inform our work here.
I'd most welcome your sharing of your experiences with similar research work
in other contexts and places. Thanks.

Angel Lin, Ph.D.(Toronto)
Assistant Professor
Department of English
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Ave., Kln.
Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2788-8894
Phone: (852) 2788-8122
E-Mail: ENANGEL who-is-at CITYU.EDU.HK