Jan Nespor <nespor who-is-at vt.edu>
Jan Nespor (nespor who-is-at vt.edu)
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 12:35:20 -0500
I'm an anthropologist of education just beginning a study of instructional
design and technopedagogy here at Virginia Tech. My university, and the
higher education system in Virginia, have been pushing computer-mediated
pedagogy very hard now for about a decade, and one small offshoot has been
the creation of an "instructional design" unit in the biological sciences.
Some of the designers have asked me to try to help them figure out what
they're doing and what it means for students and faculty. At present, I'm
trying to work out a scheme to study the course transformations in terms of
the trajectories of students, faculty, and designers. [It appears we'll
focus on two courses, one huge freshman course in human nutrition and a
small sophomore-level course in microbiology. The former will resembles a
traditional lecture course augmented with some hypermedia; the latter is to
be taught entirely on-line]. One of my interests is in how gender, class,
regional background and other knowledge-constitutive relations are woven
through curriculum practices and technological mediations. I saw a mention
of this list in an article by Bryson and de Castell and thought it might be
helpful to join.
Jan Nespor
Department of Teaching and Learning
War Memorial Hall 305
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0313
nespor who-is-at vt.edu
phone: 540-231-8327
fax: 540-231-9075